Donza Funeral Home

Martha Vukov

Martha Maria Vukov

October 16, 1942 – January 21, 2025

Martha Maria Vukov was born 82 years ago on October 16, 1942, the daughter of Helene (Echausse) and George Hufschmid in Far Rockaway, New York. She grew up in Hewlett, New York, and graduated from George W. Hewlett High School in 1960. She began her career as an executive secretary in New York City, working primarily at Matthew Bender Law Book Publishing before retiring, but then returning to work at The Kellwood Company and The Oxford Group. Martha was an excellent typist, so proficient that when computers arrived on the scene, she preferred her electric typewriter for a long time before she would switch to the ‘digital age’.


John Vukov and Martha were married on July 4, 1976, and they enjoyed 42 happy years together before John passed away, Their many trips to Atlantic City were particularly fun for them, but could not compete with special events and holidays spent with family, especially John’s nieces and nephews and their families and Martha’s sister Agnes and her children and grandchildren.


Martha especially treasured her many friends and wonderful neighbors. She made a point of keeping up with them all, old and new, with frequent phone calls and meetings for lunch or special occasions. She constantly amazed her family and friends by remembering every birthday, anniversary, and special event in their lives, and she enjoyed sending gifts and cards for every occasion. She was the family member to whom all the others turned to keep up with what was happening in all their lives. We will be lost without our ‘family historian’.


She is predeceased by her husband (John J. Vukov), her parents, her brothers (Paul, Robert G. and Michael Hufschmid) and her sister-in-law Gloria (McCloat) Shapiro.


Martha is survived by her sister Agnes (Herb) Bullock of Canton, NY, her sister-in-law Suzy (Don Weisman), her nephews Dan (Martha) Bullock of Lake Placid, NY ; Matthew Bullock of San Francisco, Keith (Eleanor) McCloat of Merrick, NY, nieces Beth (Jerry) Vacchio of Inwood, NY, Karen (Matt) Kelman of Merrick, NY, and many, many great nieces and nephews.


In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105 or, or the charity of one’s choice in Martha’s memory.



Calling Hours

Monday, January 27, 2025    2-4 and 7-9

Donza Funeral Home

333 Atlantic Ave

East Rockaway, NY 11518


Funeral Mass

Tuesday, January 28, 2025   10:00 am

Saint Joseph RC Church

1346 Broadway

Hewlett, NY 11557



Trinity Church Cemetery

1142 Broadway

Hewlett, NY 11557

2 thoughts on “Martha Vukov”

  1. Christine Neilson

    We love precious Martha so much and am very grateful that Martha’s nephew, Keith, and his wonderful wife, Cousin Ellie, introduced our entire FL family to Martha and John several years ago, and, along with Mom, Laura, and our children, have continued to enjoy so many loving family gatherings at Ellie and Keith’s home.

  2. Diana Sutcliffe

    I moved to Woodmere in 1950 and met my first friend, Martha in 3rd grade at Franklin School. There were gaps in time over the years, but we knew we were only a phone call away for a quick hello or in a time of need, and those times did occur. In recent years, there's been more contact and we've enjoyed reminiscing about our teachers, parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. We knew these people in our lives....their smiles....their voices..... and the treasured relationships. I would have lunch with her and John, a truly fine man. I was so glad she had many happy years with him.
    My last visit with Martha was on January 13th. I was feeling a bit down that day, but when I walked into her room, I was greeted with a huge smile and she beamed how she loved my hat. She was upbeat. I said "Hoof (my affectionate nickname for her) I came to cheer you up and you are cheering me up instead!" It was a very nice visit. She mentioned friends one by one and how wonderful they are as she scanned the window sill filled with tokens of good wishes whether candy, plants etc. I told her that she is a wonderful friend to so many.
    On January 21st I came in the afternoon for a visit. I smiled as I made sure to put on the hat she loved. When I went to the desk to get my pass, I was told she was not there. I questioned if her name was spelled correctly and then I was asked her birthdate which I knew. I was still told she was not there. In that moment, I realized my sweet friend was not there, but now to be in my heart forever like in the hearts of so many who loved her.

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